Project at a Glance
  • Whitman is contracted by an international manufacturing company to provide transportation and disposal services.
  • Whitman is coordinating the transportation and disposal of waste materials from 13 different warehouses throughout the US and Canada.
  • Whitman obtained US EPA ID numbers and Canadian Generator numbers to ensure all proper regulatory compliance guidelines for federal, state and provincial regions are followed.
Key Words

Manufacturing company, waste disposal, waste transportation, waste management, drums, pails, bags, boxes, regulatory compliance, EPA, United States, Canada


Whitman is contracted by an international manufacturing company to provide transportation and disposal services for off-spec, expired and unused product. Whitman has coordinated and managed the transportation and disposal of off-spec material from 13 warehouses throughout the United States and Canada.

Inventories were reviewed, SDS’s obtained and the material was classified and properly packaged for transport and disposal. The material—-packaged in drums, pails, bags and boxes—-was transported off for proper disposal.

Whitman assisted the client in assuring regulatory compliance with the required federal, state and provincial regulations, including obtaining US EPA ID numbers and Canadian Generator numbers.

Waste Management - Whitman

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